We get a first hand lesson diving in head first from Bryan Kreuzberger on cold emailing. Bryan is the owner of Break Through Email, a tested and proven system to get in touch with decision makers and generate qualified leads.
In the past the phone was your only weapon, today you should cold email bank decision makers in addition to using the phone, LinkedIn, and in-person networking.
Some past successful emails have garnered leads from Fortune 500 companies like Procter & Gamble, Best Buy, and General Electric.
In this crash course he critiques a raw email from an Academy member for a quick 5 minute breakdown of what to and what not to include in your cold emails.
Hear some of the mistakes we are all making and what needs to be avoided.
An excerpt from the audio:
“So the first sentence, ‘we can help by providing liquidity on performing, non-performing, SFR’s and most types of commercial loans’.
So — if I’m the one who’s reading this; you guys can provide me liquidity but why is that important to me? What is it? — what’s the end benefit?
The next sentence, ‘the benefit for clients is we have the ability to close quickly with competitive pricing’.
So the benefit for you is we can close quickly and our pricing is competitive.
Now competitive pricing doesn’t really move my needle. Why is competitive pricing, you know, going to make an impact for me?”
As you can tell Bryan is getting right to it without holding punches, and that’s the only you’ll learn from the mistakes you’re making in your emails.
Learn how to get into the inbox and receive a reply.
Listen to the audio here:
Transcript Download
*Disclaimer: Any offers and course references mentioned in this interview are subject to change. Visit Break Through Email for current services, courses, and products.
Brecht, hey, this is Bryan Kreuzberger.
Listen, I read the email, saw the responses and figured I’d just do an audio recording on the emails, to kind of give you some thoughts on what’s going on. So, Jay sent an email and if you look at his email, the type of person who handles loans, he works with other people. Now when we go into his email, think like — we want to first think like the customer and read it from that lens.
So the first sentence, we can help by providing liquidity on performing, non-performing, SFR’s and most types of commercial loans. So — if I’m the one who’s reading this; you guys can provide me liquidity but like why is that important to me? Like what is it that — what’s the end benefit?
The second sentence, we are seeking long term relationships with reputable companies like yours. I hate that, like the reader doesn’t care, I don’t know you, I don’t care, so obviously cut that. And it’s about the person who’s like writing the email not about the person who’s receiving the email. So you have to remember it’s about thinking like the customer not thinking like yourself because you are communicating and you want to create the opportunity for the other person.
The next sentence, the benefit for clients is we have the ability to close quickly with competitive pricing. So the benefit for you is we can close quickly and our pricing is competitive. Now competitive pricing doesn’t really move my needle.
Like, why is competitive pricing, you know, going to make an impact for me? I want somebody who can frankly buy all the stuff that I don’t have or that I want somebody to buy all the properties that I can’t move.
So you really have to think in terms of now, you have to think in terms of the customer. It’s pretty clear that this person hasn’t interviewed customers. There’s in the course, we go through how do you interview your customers to find out what it is that they are really looking for and need with their fears, frustrations, and desires. Mostly what are their frustrations. And that’s it.
Then it’s like – we work with some different organizations that maybe you’ve heard of, maybe you haven’t — And I wouldn’t include Greensborough, North Carolina if it’s not referenceable enough where like they actually know who it is, then don’t include it.
So really the only benefit here is close quickly and competitive pricing. And if we think about the person who is receiving this email, it’s like I’ve got a bunch of assets I’m trying to move, they are non performing, I am not in the business of this, how can I find somebody who can buy this stuff?
And really all you have to do is shift from thinking like a salesperson to thinking like the buyer and just say, you know, “Hey, do you have any non performing assets I could buy? Or do you have anything that I could buy? I am looking to purchase X, Y, and Z in this area with this profile.”
And rather than being a sales rep coming in, you are now a buyer in the bank’s eyes and it’s just a total shift. And I have definitely helped a couple of people in the group with that kind of messaging. And then it’s just kind of really short and simple. Its like, “Do you have any properties that I can buy? Because I’m in the market and this is what I’m looking for.”
And for the people that do, they do respond and say, “Yes, let’s talk.” And then, you know, you can talk about how it works and what you do but it’s a really easy shift.
And so if anybody wants to check out breakthrough email and I think it’s like the courses like breakthroughemailpro.com — let me just double check that. Yeah, breakthroughemailpro.com and they can go through the course.[Sites and offers subject to change]But I hope this helps and — Oh and actually you know what?
Let’s go into the responses. So the responses are all very typical. So the five responses:
“Thanks for the email we don’t have an interest at this time.”
“I appreciate you reaching out to us but unfortunately we don’t have the need for any outside assistance.”
“I have your information on file,” they won’t respond ever. Don’t think they are keeping it on file, that just really means a polite way of saying delete.
“Thanks for the inquiry unfortunately we don’t have a problem with most of our problem assets.” And see how they are actually — they are calling them problem assets, that’s how they think about it. So that is probably a phrase that you should have in your email.
“We have contract’s pending, we don’t have any interest.”
So part of this is who you target. So in the first module of the course it’s actually the most important aspect of this is who you’re writing emails to and how you’re developing that list and developing the triggers. So I look at this as three — if you’re going fishing and you have like three different ponds.
There’s a first pond that has lots of fish in it and they’re kind of small. And the second pond has lots of fish in it and they’re really big. And the third pond has lots of fish in it and they’re really big but they’re also hungry and they’re hungry for the bait that you have.
So if we’re going to go out and go fishing we want to catch, you know as many big fish as possible. We don’t want to fish in pond one or pond two we want to fish in the third pond which is — has hungry fish that are biting that want what you have.
So I don’t have enough time to go into how you do that and how you select the organizations that are most likely to want your service but there is a way to do it and we cover it in the first module.
So I hope this helps and have a great day.
So I am unable to find the cold email scripts? The only thing I found was the typed version of the podcast. It has a few tips on it.
Is this what you are referring to?
Hi Luanne,
You can follow the link and sign up for Bryan’s mailing list to get his scripts… but you also have access to our templates and scripts in your Bank Direct Mastery course, in the Making Contact section as well as the resource library.